Occupational health & safety

Exact Group recognizes that it has a primary responsibility to avoid or minimize the risk of injury to any person from the conduct of its business. It will comply with the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and associated statutory requirements.

Exact have an ongoing commitment to provide safe practices of work to ensure that as far as reasonably practical a safe working environment is maintained for employees, clients and visitors.

Management is committed to -

  • Providing the resources, skills and training necessary to assist our employees to maintain a safe and healthy work place including the environment, equipment and system of work.
  • Exact Group will monitor and manage compliance with our Occupational Health & Safety Management objectives and ensure a timely and effective response to non-compliance.

Our Employees and Clients are -

  • Expected to meet their obligations to protect the health and safety of themselves and others at work.
  • To perform their assigned duties in accordance with accepted safe working practices.
  • To provide Exact Management all information necessary to protect the health and safety of all stakeholders.

Exact Group © 2008 . Occupational Health & Safety . Quality Management Policy Website by MEDIATEQ